Hey, I’m

Vladimir Juárez

Versatile Full-Stack Engineer with over 4 years of experience excelling in the creation of elegant and high-performance web applications across diverse industries. A JavaScript maestro, I am proficient in front-end technologies such as React, Vue, and other leading frameworks, skillfully crafting intuitive and engaging user interfaces. On the backend, I demonstrate expertise in Express, NestJS, Fastify (JS), as well as Django and FastAPI (Python), constructing robust APIs and server-side logic. Industry-wise, I have successfully led financial technology projects, utilizing React to optimize financial workflows and elevate user experiences. Additionally, my contributions to the healthcare sector involve leveraging Angular and Vue to develop impactful applications within intricate regulatory landscapes.


Auto Linking Tags (Remote)

Sep 2022 - Mar 2023

Qro, Mexico

Content Media Sector - Conde Nast

  • ✓ Maintenance, documentation, and development of libraries and plugins to enable an auto-tagging tool within the custom CMS developed by Conde Nast. The tool represented a significant advancement in the productivity of editors, as well as an improvement in user search and browser.
  • ✓ This project involved the use of tools such as Node.js, React, MongoDB, and RegEx for improving accurate word detection and language detection. Additionally, it involved enhancing translations between markdown and HTML formats.

Human in the Loop (Remote)

Sep 2021 - Sep 2022

Qro, Mexico

Financial Industry - FACTSET

  • - Contributed to the development of a platform that facilitated the identification and establishment of relationships between companies within documents.
  • - Assisted in training and improving an ML algorithm to autonomously generate new relationships.
  • - Focused on designing and implementing user interactions in the platform's UI, utilizing React as the chosen framework.
  • - Played a key role in the project's migration from React to Vue.js, taking responsibility for creating the necessary structures for the new project.
  • - Utilized Python in a web framework for backend development and successfully migrated it to Vue.js.
  • - Collaborated with cross-functional teams to gather requirements, address technical challenges, and ensure seamless integration of features.
  • - Successfully delivered a user-friendly platform that enhanced the efficiency and accuracy of relationship identification in financial documents.

Expediente Clínico Electrónico

Jan 2020 - Sep 2021

Qro, Mexico

Healthcare Industry

  • ✓ Developed a comprehensive platform for managing hospital information, including appointment scheduling and management of appointment-related data such as medical tests.
  • ✓ Designed the architecture of the web application using Angular, ensuring efficient distribution of modules that shared information within the
  • ✓ Utilized Angular for the front-end development, creating a user-friendly and intuitive
  • ✓ Implemented Django and Postgres for the backend, ensuring seamless data management and robust database
  • ✓ Collaborated closely with stakeholders to understand their requirements and incorporated their feedback into the development
  • ✓ Successfully delivered a high-quality, scalable, and secure platform that enhanced the efficiency of hospital operations and improved patient care.

Health Smart Band

Fab 2021 - Sep 2021

Qro, Mexico

Healthcare Industry

  • - Developed a Progressive Web App (PWA) designed to retrieve comprehensive medical information about a patient in case of an accident by scanning a QR code (Obtain medical record feature).
  • - Built the entire PWA using Vue.js and implemented essential features such as router, store, and internationalization, ensuring a smooth user experience.
  • - Connected the PWA to a serverless application hosted on AWS, enabling seamless data retrieval and storage.
  • - Collaborated closely with healthcare professionals and stakeholders to gather requirements and ensure the app met their needs effectively.
  • - Implemented security measures to protect sensitive patient data and ensure compliance with relevant privacy regulations.
  • - Successfully delivered a robust and user-friendly PWA that improved the accessibility and efficiency of retrieving critical medical information during emergency situations.


Tecnológico Nacional de México

2014 - 2018

Veracruz, Mexico

  • Mechatronics engineering

Computación del Golfo

2015 - 2016

Veracruz, Mexico

  • Industrial Automation Diploma.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

2021 -


  • AWS Academy Cloud Foundations

Hacker Rank

2022 -


  • React Certificate

Hacker Rank

2023 -


  • Javascript Certificate
  • Intermediate